What a fantastic story! I'm glad you trusted enough to be able to experience their hospitality.

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Yes, a little lack of caution can go a long way! Unlike you, I can't say my gut has always steered me right, as I've had some messy outcomes too, but learned some things even then, so maybe it's worth it...

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May 4Liked by Shoni

I love this! It gives me hope in the world. What a special experience. Thanks so much for sharing.

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Yes, definitely made it worth leaving the airport! Thanks heaps for reading :)

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What a beautiful story and so well written. It’s so surreal that a woman would pluck you from the street and invite you to her house. At the same time, it’s a way of life that we just don’t know. This connection between women. So touching.

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Yeah, it was quite a special experience. Worth all the heat and difficulty of the day to gain that insight into the local lives and make a connection. And one point for trusting strangers (though can't officially recommend it - it can really go either way haha).

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I loved how you just went for a swim. The heat must’ve been infernal.

Human interactions seem to be different in other cultures. I would’ve accepted that invitation as well.

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Good to know I'm not completely insane then. :) I think a different day when I wasn't so exhausted I may have been less trusting. Too many stories of kidnapping out there, worst case scenarios always pop into your head.

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In UAE? Or do you mean in general?

I think that one side of the Arabic culture is that women are more protected. I can’t imagine a woman there driving around with her daughter and trapping tourists. So I would’ve been completely trusting as well. There was curiosity on both sides. You pictured that beautifully in your story.

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In general. Just the dynamic between exercising caution when traveling, while remaining open to experience and opportunity. It's a dance.

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Yes, when I was younger I was more prone to adventure. Now I’m much more cautious. Don’t know if the world has changed or just me or both.

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